At 5 months old, babies become more active and aware of their surroundings. They are developing their motor skills, learning how to communicate, and exploring the world around them. Here are the milestones you can dream your baby to reach at 5 months old, the best parenting guide for what babies should be doing at 5 months. 


What babies should be doing at 5 months: List of activities

Physical Development:

what babies should be doing at 5 months
At 5 months: Physical Development

By 5 months, most babies can roll over from babies tummy to their back and back to their tummy. They may also be able to sit up with support or for a short period without assistance. They are likely to reach out for toys and objects within reach, and they may even begin to grasp and hold onto things.

As your baby becomes more mobile, creating a safe and stimulating environment for them is essential. Keep hazardous items out of reach and provide plenty of toys and objects for your baby to explore.


what babies should be doing at 5 months
At 5 months: Communication

At 5 months, babies start to communicate more meaningfully. They may begin to babble and make vowel sounds such as “ahh” and “ooh.” They may also start to imitate sounds they hear, such as the sounds of animals or household objects.

Encourage your baby’s communication by talking to them frequently and responding to their babbling and cooing. This habit will help them develop their language skills and build a strong bond with you.

Social and Emotional Development:

what babies should be doing at 5 months
At 5 months: Social and Emotional Development

At 5 months, babies become more social and aware of others. They may start to smile at familiar faces and laugh or giggle when happy. They are also beginning to develop a sense of trust and security with their caregivers.

It is essential to provide your baby with plenty of social interaction and affection at this age. Spend time playing with them, holding them, and responding to their cues and needs.


What babies should be doing at 5 months
At 5 months: Feeding

At 5 months, many babies start to eat solid foods in addition to breast milk or formula. Introducing new foods slowly and gradually ensures your baby can tolerate them. Some good first foods include mashed sweet potato, avocado, and banana.

Consult with your pediatrician about when and how to introduce hard foods to your baby’s diet.


At 5 months, many babies start developing more regular sleeping patterns. They may sleep longer stretches at night and take more predictable naps during the day. However, some babies may wake up frequently at night and have irregular sleep patterns.

To promote healthy sleep habits, establish a consistent bedtime routine and create a calm and soothing sleeping environment for your baby.


The eyesight of your 5-month-old is developing well. Babies still do not have perfect 20/20 vision at this age, but they have developed the ability to concentrate their eyes together without crossing. By the time your kid is five months old, their ability to distinguish between similar hues has dramatically improved. Yet, infants of this age still strongly prefer bright primary hues like red, blue, and yellow.

Best Hacks for 5 months old baby.

what babies should be doing at 5 months

  • To help your baby learn language and communication skills, you can spend a lot of one-on-one time with him or her and talk and listen to him or her. Look your kid in the eye and use facial expressions to assist them in establishing the connection between what you say and how you feel.
  • Infants are big fans of music. You may start exposing your 5-month-old to many musical styles as early as now. They’ll cheer, grin, and probably mumble something in agreement.
  • Your infant will have a great time if you and other family members play with them. You and your baby may bond via shared play. In addition, this makes your kid feel more cherished and safe.
  • Provide your kid with easy-to-play-with toys like a soft block or a rattle in bright, cheerful colors. Give your infant an object and then tell them what it is (a block, a rattle, etc.) to encourage language development.


In conclusion, at 5 months old, babies are making great strides in their development. They are becoming more mobile, communicative, and social and are starting to explore the world around them in new and exciting ways. A parent or caregiver must ensure your baby is in a safe and caring environment that helps him or her grow and learn. You can help your baby thrive at this critical time by giving them lots of social interaction, stimulating toys, healthy food, and a regular sleep schedule.

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