Even though blankets, pillows, and bedding sound like things that would make a comfortable bed for an adult, putting them in a baby’s crib can be very dangerous. Why are soft surfaces bad for baby? Here is the scientific explanation for this tough question for new moms.

Whether you’re using a traditional baby mattress or a portable one, you’ve noticed that it’s substantial and may seem uncomfortable to an adult. But this is how things are supposed to go! A fitted sheet should use to cover the mattress or pad of a portable crib. To make the mattress more “comfortable,” no more padding should add. Putting your infant in such danger is not worth the risk.


What happens if your baby sleeps on a soft surface

why are soft surfaces bad for baby
Sleeping materials are crucial for your infant.

Infants should be kept away from loose bedding, and other soft materials since the American Academy of Pediatrics warns that they might cause death. Also, bedding has been linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SDIS), the most common cause of death for even healthy babies between the ages of 1 month and one year.

Why are soft surfaces bad for baby?

Why are soft surfaces so risky? The reason is that babies are more likely to breathe in their own exhaled breath if they lie on soft bedding or surfaces (like an adult bed or sofa), which may indent or mold to the curve of the baby’s head (carbon dioxide). If a baby were to roll over onto its stomach on a mattress, sofa, or similar soft surface, there is a greater chance that it might suffocate.

How infants differ from children and adults

why are soft surfaces bad for baby
You should understand children and adults are entirely different from your newborn baby.

Infants, especially those younger than 12 months, are at high risk for sleep-related harm and mortality. The infant’s anatomy at this stage makes it more susceptible. They have less developed ways to control their body temperature. Their airways are smaller and easier to squeeze, and when they are born, their heads are more prominent and heavier.

Choose your baby’s sleeping materials.

Use a firm, clean, and excellent-condition mattress that fits the cot flat for safety. Make sure the mattress you choose fits the dimensions and depth specifications set out by the cot’s manufacturer. A baby or toddler might get trapped if the mattress and the cot’s sides don’t fit together tightly. This is a hazardous situation if their face is hidden or their neck is held in any way. The space between the mattress and the cot’s sides and ends should be at most 20 millimeters.

Having a baby turn over onto their stomach while sleeping on a soft mattress or surface might raise the risk of SIDS. Make sure the mattress protector is firm and tight, and permanently remove any plastic wrapping from the mattress. Never make the bed overly comfortable by putting a sheepskin or soft blanket beneath the bottom sheet. Too soft of a surface, such as a pillow, cushion, or couch, may raise the risk of SIDS in infants.


What should you do, and what are the avoidable sleeping habits of your infant?

why are soft surfaces bad for baby
“Always keep an eye on your kid’s bedding material.”


  • Blankets, cushions, soft bumper pads, plush animals, and anything else soft should avoid from your kid. Sleeping on a couch or bed piled high with soft pillows and blankets is also dangerous. Most people need to understand the warnings about soft bedding because of how the market works. But you should use caution while purchasing baby supplies.
  • A newborn should always sleep on her back and never on her stomach or side. Some newborns who die of sudden infant death syndrome can have a defect in the part of the brain that controls breathing and waking up. When exposed to a “suffocating setting,” infants shift their heads to the side. On the other hand, the idea suggests that infants born with this kind of brain defect may not.
  • When possible, give your baby a room and bed. Seventy percent of sudden infant death syndrome fatalities in the US were found to have shared a bed with an adult. 
  • Sudden infant death syndrome is less likely to happen when a baby uses a pacifier, so you might want to consider putting your baby to bed with one.


why are soft surfaces bad for baby
Be careful with your kid sleeping.
  • Infants should not be allowed to overheat while sleeping.
  • It’s best not to expose babies, even unborn ones, to cigarette smoke.

Read More about parenting hacks to keep your toddler safe with your own mistakes.







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