Babies are lovely and fascinating creatures, and as parents and caregivers, we are always eager to know more about their development. One everyday parenting question is, “Which way do babies roll first?” Check this out with our parenting tips article series.


Background Research: Which way do babies roll first?

Rolling over is an essential milestone in a baby’s growth. It is one of the first signs that they are gaining control of their bodies and moving independently. When babies roll over, they can look around and learn new skills, like how to reach for toys and interact with their surroundings.

which way do babies roll first
Which way do babies roll first?

Most babies start rolling over between the ages of 4 to 6 months. However, every baby is different; some may start rolling over earlier or later. Additionally, rolling over typically happens in stages, with babies initially rolling from their stomachs to their sides, then from their sides to their backs, and finally from their backs to their stomachs.

So, which way do babies roll first? The answer is that it can vary from baby to baby. Some babies roll over from their stomach to their back first, while others roll over from their back to their stomach. Most people think that rolling from the stomach to the back is easier for most babies to roll.

There are a few reasons why babies tend to roll over from stomach to back first. For one, when babies are on their stomachs, they have more leverage to push themselves up and over. Also, rolling from their stomachs to their backs relieves pressure on their heads and necks, which can get sore after a long time on their bellies.

However, some babies may prefer to roll over from their back to their stomach first. This difference can be due to the baby’s muscle strength, weight, and body shape. For example, babies particularly strong in their upper bodies may find it easier to push themselves up from a lying position and roll onto their stomachs.

What age do babies roll first?

which way do babies roll first
Babies roll first age between 2 and 7 or 8 months

Most infants can roll over between the ages of four and six months. Each child is unique; some may learn to roll over sooner. Babies may begin rolling over anywhere between 2 and 7 or 8 months. Remember that every baby has a different phase and that the range of what is deemed “normal” is relatively large since each child grows and develops at their speed. Talking to your child’s physician is best if you have any worries regarding their growth and development.

It’s also important to note that rolling over is gradual and may take some time for babies to master. Some babies may only roll over once or twice before needing to rest, while others may start rolling over more frequently as they gain more strength and control over their bodies.

What should you consider on babies rolling stage?

which way do babies roll first
When babies roll first, parents should be careful with their safety.

As a parent or caretaker, you need to make sure your baby has a safe place to practice rolling over. This step means making sure that your baby is always watched when they are on their stomach and that there are no objects or dangers nearby that could hurt them. Also, it’s important to let your baby spend a lot of time on the floor so they can explore and build their motor skills.

Parents generally weigh several factors regarding their child’s first successful rollover. Security is a significant issue. Babies learn to roll over, but parents want to ensure it’s safe for them. Parents should watch their baby during tummy time, get rid of any possible dangers, and make the area interesting.

The infant’s comfort is another important factor for parents to consider. Babies may cry or show other signs of distress while attempting to roll over, so it’s natural for parents to be concerned about their child’s well-being. Some parents may prop up their child with extra support or padding to make it easier for their baby to start rolling.

which way do babies roll first
Which way do babies roll first is really doesn’t matter.

Parents want to provide a warm and welcoming space for their children to learn and develop, so they think about safety, comfort, and enthusiasm while planning for their baby’s first time rolling over.

Lastly, this developmental milestone may also bring joy to the parents. Parents may want to tell their friends and family that their baby has rolled over because it is a big step in the child’s development and shows that the child is growing up.


In conclusion, rolling over is an important developmental milestone for babies. While most babies tend to roll from their stomach to their back first, it’s important to remember that every baby in the world is different and may have a unique way of mastering this skill. As parents and caregivers, we make sure that our babies have a safe place to explore and grow.

Read and get knowledge about your baby with our best parenting guide series.




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